And they are more like a cave man thingy. The style of their writing was called Cuneiform, based on my taken notes. And one of the most famous testimonies of the ancient art is ziggurat. Knowing this things makes us passion-able.
They have 3 periods of art and culture in Egypt; Old kingdom, Middle Kingsdom, and the New kingdom.
the old kingdom consist of the tombs and Pyramids at Gizen. The middle kingdom was a change in the political hierarchy. and Last one is the new kingdom which this era was express by expansionism.
Their are many more that I've learned about ancient art, I appreciate this kind of paintings because I really love art. We study this to have more knowledge and excel our skills as an artists. To improve our talent. We can apply this when we get older.
Be a craftsman in speech that thou mayest be strong, for the strength of one is the tongue, and speech is mightier than all fighting.
~ Maxims of Ptahhotep, 3400 B.C.