Saturday, January 28, 2012


In this era, it has a connection with the christian art as I know. It is means rebirth of the ancient. And this it has new techniques in using styles of painting. It is more on depiction of nature through their deep observations. What they see is what they paint in nature. And this influences the classical texts and the improvement of the oil painting and it's development.

In this period, their are artist that was famous on this kind of era, it was Leonardo da Vinci, he is an Italian artist. And he is a polymath. I think polymath means it has a lot of interpretation of him or a plenty of skills, I think. That's what I understand about that. And he created the most famous and top painting in the world. It is the Mona lisa also known as La Gioconda. Their are many revelation behind that painting. Not also that painting. He also painted the Last Supper. It contains Jesus in the center and his 12 apostles. The second artist is Raphael Sanzio, he painted the School of athens. I don't know much about this painting but I do remember a little. And the last artist is Michelangelo Buonarroti and he is also a polymath like Leonardo. The sculpture that he made was the Pieta, it is Mary who is carrying Jesus on her lap. And he also created the Sistine chapel, that was so impresive and cool. That was hard work. And also the most famous sculpture that he carved was David that, the 'David and Goliath' story, and their are many represtational of David.

In the history, their are Mannerism, their are mannerist. Meaning of this it is an artist that was copying direct from nature and copied art insted. Means that what they do is a secondhand. What I wrote earlier the christian art and the renaissance are connected but not all of the topic. The other architecture was the same as the christian art, like the Florence Cathedral, but they have their own representational. And this style is all about Classicism.

Sunday, January 22, 2012


This period is all about christianity. I've learned so many things here. And I discover a lot, that I could'nt imagine. Art history is very important to us multimedia students, we get to know the possiblities and advantages of art. We can stock to our minds that back then has a lot of things that ancient people can do, that can amaze us with their skills and talents.

In this era, christian people are very religous, obviously. They hide their human dead underground but not only that, they hide their sculpture and churches. And their are Catacombs as they call it. Because back then christian people are prohibited and stict to this period. Like for example, Saint Denis - he is a christian martyr and a bishop of Paris. And for not following the rules, he commit christianity and his head was chopped off and pick his head up and walked for 10 kilometers and preaches sermon in his entire way. So that how strict back then.  When Constantine was throne in the Byzantine Empire, he agreed with the christians and big cathedrals was build in land and it was not strict anymore.

Furthermore, there are also sculptures that was in front of the cathedrals, like the Jamb statues that also represent something. There are rose window also in front of the churches. They are like flowers. Now, all churches where everywhere. Big cathedrals can be seen in Paris, Europe and also here in the Philippines and many more places. And also mosaics are inside the churches.

Friday, January 13, 2012


This period is very influencial to us because of it arts that has been attached to us. With their sculptures they represent almost their Gods and others superiors and with their livings. But as I realize and observe it is more on Gods like for example is the Olympian Gods. I remember some Gods like Goddess of Animals is Mara and Fauna; God of War is Ares and Mars; God of Love is Eros and Cupid. As they report I learn and adopt what they are discussing.

Their are symbols that are used in Geometric period, it is the horse, the armed warriors and the chariot. And Terracotta are clay's as I remember. In classical art in Greece are divided into four periods it is the Geometric, Archaic, Classical and Hellenistic. And I forgot to write they has an architecture like the temple of Hephaistos, it is very cool because of its structure it is very proportion.

Back then, the sculputures is not much on movements, so their sculptures are steady almost. They don't know how to create it in motion, but when time passes they figure it now how to create it in motion. This period is very amazing because of its surprising happenings back then. We must treasure the art history.